Road to Success. Alfred McAlpine, 1935-1985





Commissioned from a journalist, book writer and industrial film maker. Narrative account. Chapters include: 'Fifty years of moving mountains'; 'The first Sir Robert and the other McAlpines'; 'Sir Alfred & Son make a start'; 'Helping Britain to win the war'; 'Opencast coal mining'; 'Getting Britain back in business'; 'Power stations, airports, rocket sites and factories'; 'Excursion into Africa - and the McAlpines go public'; 'McAplines enter the motorway scene'; 'The motorway people and the motorway era'; 'Sports cars, slate, asphalt'; 'Timber and the tools of the trade'; 'Friends and relations - with customers, clients and the workforce'; 'Trouble at mill - the Liverpool militancy'; 'The pipeline story I - starting the hard way'; 'The pipeline story II - gas pipes and peat bogs'; 'Expansion overseas - Portugal, The Sudan, Satwa and Nigeria'; 'The changing market and the competition'; 'Private and public housing and a project in Spain'; 'Into the big league - Alfred McAlpine takes over Finlas and Whatlings'; 'The family and the firm'; 'The next fifty years'. Extensive appendices [pp168-97] provide schedules of contracts. Includes a family tree from Sir Robert McAlpine, d1934. Touches on Robert McAlpine & Sons, open cast coal mining