The Strutts and the Arkwrights, 1758-1830. A study of the early factory system


  • Name Worker / employee welfare inc working conditions, compensation, etc
  • Name Worker / employee wages & remuneration
  • Name Intellectual property inc patents, trade marks, designs & copyright inc management
  • Name Production of goods & services - methods & organisation




Reprinted. Scholarly account dealing largely with the Strutt family and business with very much less about the Arkwrights. Draws heavily on the archives of the Strutt business. Has chapters: 1] 'Jedediah Strutt, wheelwright and farmer' - youth, courtship, proposal and marriage; 2] 'The hosiery patent' - Derby Rib Machine, in search of capital, patent and partnership, patent contested; 3] ''The hosiery business' - the London end, the Derby silk mill, framework knitters; 4] 'The partnership with Richard Arkwright' - Nottingham and Cromford, the Calico Act, expansion; 5] 'The early cotton mills' - 'the partnership dissolved', success and defeat, the Derbyshire cotton mills; 6] 'Jedediah Strutt and his family' - the man of sense, father and children, the Derby household, last years; 7] 'The second generation' - William Strutt FRS, families and friends, public life, social and political change; 8] 'The mills' - size of the firm, the Strutt mills; 9] 'Workers and welfare' - age and hours of labour, factory discipline and labour turnover, earnings and payment in kind, the factory colony; 10] 'The raw material' - the kinds of cotton, London and Liverpool, the war years, the 1820s; 11] 'Products and markets' - machine making - the mills' production, home markets, foreign markets. Appendices include a genealogical table re Strutt family, statistics re cotton purchased, etc