Workshop of the British Empire. Engineering and shipbuilding in the West of Scotland






Scholarly work written for a wide readership. Outlines in the industrial history of Glasgow / Clydeside /West of Scotland. Structured in four parts: 1] 'Ironfounding and engineering' - 'Ironfounding' / 'Engineering' including sugar machinery, marine engineering, locomotive building, machine tool manufacture, structural engineering, / 'Andrew Barclay Sons & Co Ltd, locomotive manufacturers and engineers'; 2] 'Shipbuilding' - 'Shipbuilding' / 'The Fairfield and John Brown shipbuilding and engineering companies'; 3] 'Other industries'; 4] 'Survey techniques of the Western Survey of the National Register of Archives (Scotland)'. Based on business archives rescued by surveys conducted by the Western Survey and outlines the processes, objectives, achievements of that Survey organised by the National Register of Archives (Scotland)