Coal Metropolis. Cardiff, 1870-1914






Scholarly work which originated from the writer's doctoral thesis, 'Aspects of the Social and Economic Structure of Cardiff, 1870-1914', Kent, 1974. Deals with the rapid development of Cardiff after 1850 to the extent that by 1914 it was a leading centre of economic activity. Describes and explains this advance and the impact of it on the city's population and on its economic and political life. Structured in three parts, viz: Part 1] 'Economy' - 'The docks' / 'Economic growth - obstacles and opportunities' / 'Commerce - coal merchants and shipowners'; Part 2] 'Building a city' - 'Landowners and developers' / 'Builders and housing supply' / 'Homeowners and landlords' / 'Shapes on the ground'; Part 3} 'Merchants and 'economists'' / Liberals, Lib-Labs and labour' / 'Perceptions'