English Cotton Industry and the World Market, 1815-1896


  • Name Joint stock company & limited liability structures
  • Name Trade protection inc non tariff





Seminal work. Deals with the subject largely at industry and not at business level. Touches relatively briefly on raw cotton trade. Structure in three parts: Part 1] 'Advent of a new economic order' - 'Role of the cotton industry in economic development' / 'Localization of the industry in Lancashire'; Part 2] 'Main trends in production and trade' - 'Growth of the world market' / 'The Cotton Famine and the loss of national pre-eminence' / 'The Great Depression of 1873-1896 and the challenges of foreign competition'; Part 3 'The structure of the industry' - 'Spread of the joint stock company in Lancashire' / 'Emergence of the Oldham Limiteds, 1874-1890' / 'Revolution in weaving and the horizontal reorganization of the structure of industry'