The Millers. A story of technological endeavour and industrial success, 1870-2001


  • Name Innovation, diffusion & invention, inc technology & products
  • Name Consumption, consumerism & associated ethics





Notably deals with the period of the industry's transformation from millstone to roller milling, propelled by demand for white bread and enabled by technological advances by machinery producers such as Henry Simon. The writer had worked in the area of plant design for process development and had interests in technological innovation. Structured in three parts: 1] 'Background' - 'A revolutionary change' / 'New processing ideas' / 'New ideas in Britain' / 'Challenges to British millers' / 'British millers search for answers'; 2] 'The major factors - Henry Simon and the National Association ' - 'Success' re Henry Simon, Thomas Robinson & Sons Ltd and E R & F Turner [pp83-118] / 'Resistance to change' / 'National Association' [pp137-56] - ie formation and early work of National Association of British & Irish Millers / 'Design and development' / 'Henry Simon in business' [pp182-97]; 3] 'Scaling up' - 'Combination and enterprise' / 'Scaling up and relocating, 1900-15' / 'Feasibility studies, 1900-15' / 'Sea of troubles, 1915-24' / 'Rationalisation and a new era, 1925-39'. Little coverage post-1939