'Domestic commercial banks and the City of London, 1870-1939' in Y Cassis (ed), Finance and Financiers in European History, 1880-1960


  • Name Capital and money markets, etc
  • Name Finance of production & trade





Deals with the question 'when did domestic commercial banking become a full component of the 'City' and what were the effects of this combining?', starting from the position that there were formerly two banking systems - the City which looked outwards to the world and country banking which focused on local financing needs. The chapter explores the institutional development of the English domestic clearing banks, reviewing when they made contact with the 'City' and contrasting their organisational structures with comparable banks in Scotland and Ireland. Also analyzes the post 1880 amalgamation movement which produced a centralized domestic banking system in England by the early 1920s and considers the implications of this attainment of financial maturity for industrial lending