Shops and Shopkeeping in Eighteenth Century England






Scholarly account of shops and shopkeeping in the pre-industrial era and their role in the pre-industrial economy covering such areas as numbers and distribution; relationship with hawkers; comparisons between London and York; role in the household economy of workers; business practices; marketing and sales techniques; much on tea dealers. Chapters include: 'Response of retail sector to economic and social changes'; 'Number and geographical distribution of retail shops'; 'Functional distribution of shops'; 'Politics of shopkeeping - shopkeepers vs hawkers, 1785-89'; 'Shopkeepers in London and York - analysis of their trade, income and site'; 'Number and proportion of 'principal' and 'petty' shopkeepers'; 'Role of village and 'back street' shops in the household economy of workers'; 'Tea dealers - grocers vs 'back street'; 'Tea dealers of London and York - their number and shop trades'; 'Geographical distribution of tead dealers in Great Britain at the end of the eighteenth century'; ''Petty' shopkeepers - business practices and customers'; 'Changes in marketing and sales techniques'; 'Forces of competition in the retailing of tea'. Some details of individual tea dealers - Edward Eagleton, John Nicholson, Richard Twining