Victorian Ladies at Work. Middle class working women in England and Wales, 1850-1914


  • Name Worker / employee & work, women alone
  • Name Worker / employee welfare inc working conditions, compensation, etc
  • Name Worker / employee & industrial relations inc conflict, negotiation, demarcation, perogative, etc





Deals with the nature, conditions, etc, of work for 'middle class working women' with sections on: 'Women and education'; teaching profession; nursing profession; distribution; office clerical workers; civil servants. The chapter: 'Women behind the counter - the distributive trades' [pp103-40] - has sections - 'A nation of shopkeepers and shop assistants' / 'The working life of shop assistants' / 'Trade unionism among shop assistants' / 'The struggle for shorter hours in shops'/ 'The campaign against fines and living in' / 'The fight for minimum wages'. The chapter: 'Women in offices - the clerical occupations' - has sections - 'A nation of clerks' / 'The working life of clerks' / 'Trade unionism among clerks' / 'The struggle for better working conditions'