British Pre-eminence in Brazil. Its rise and decline. A study in European expansion



  • Brazil




In an early scholarly political-economic study explores the causes of British pre-eminence in Brazil and its 20th century decline, placing a strong emphasis on its economic foundation. Chapters include: 'Basis of English supremacy in Portuguese commerce'; 'A period of stress and readjustment'; 'The transfer of the Portuguese Court to Rio'; 'England secures preferential rights in Brazil'; 'Lord Strangford and Portuguese designs on the Banda Oriental'; 'Success and failure in the Banda Oriental, 1815-28'; 'England's attempt to abolish the Portuguese slave trade, 1808-22'; 'The price of recognition'; 'The beginnings of the revolt against British dominance'; 'The decline of British political preeminence'; 'The abolition of special privileges'; 'The challenge to Britain's economic supremacy'