Early Computing in Britain. Ferranti Ltd and government funding, 1948-1958


  • Name Government intervention exc legislation & regulation





Provides an account of the first commercial computers manufactured by Ferranti [Ferranti Mark 1], 1951-57, and the nine end users of them, largely government connected research organisations or very large businesses including Armstrong Siddeley, Ansty, Coventry; Royal Dutch Shell, Amsterdam; Armaments Research Development Establishment, Fort Halstead; Atomic Weapons Research Establishment. Deals with such issues as transfer of technologies from academia to industry; Ferranti’s efforts to adapt their computers for sale to business and commercial markets; use for defence applications in government establishments; installation and applications of Ferranti computers in universities in the UK, Canada, and Italy; etc. Written by an emeritus professor of computer science. Some based on personal reminiscences of people involved. Of particular interest to 'professionals interested in the practical development of early computers, as well as to specialists in computer history'