ICL. A business and technical history


  • Name Government intervention exc legislation & regulation




Scholarly work. Winner of the Wadsworth Prize for Business History, 1989. First published 1989. Structure in two parts. Part 1 re 'Punched Card Machines': 1] Hollerith and the origins, c1880-1907'; 2] 'The British Tabulating Machine Co, 1907-1`9'; 3] 'Manufacturing at home, the 1920s'; 4] 'Heyday of the punched card machine industry, the 1930s'; 5] 'An interlude - the Second World War'; 6] 'Pent-up demand, 1945-49'; 7] 'Electronic machines, 1950-54'; 8] 'Computers and the merger, 1955-58'. Part 2 'Computers': 9] Decline of the tabulator, 1959-61'; 10] 'Negotiations and mergers, 1961-63'; 11] 'Response to the IMB System/360, 1964-65'; 12] 'Government relations and the formation of ICKL, 1964-68'; 13] 'ICL and the new range, 1968-72'; 14] 'Government launching aid gor the New Range, 1973-75'; 15] 'Rapid growth in a changing market, 1975-79'; 16] 'Convergence, the 1980s'; 17] 'Summing up - ICL and the evolving information business'