'Industrial research in the British photographic industry, 1879-1939' in J Libenau (ed), Challenge of New Technology


  • Name Research & development inc operational research
  • Name Innovation, diffusion & invention, inc technology & products





Focuses at individual firm level as the most appropriate way to increase understanding of the impact of research and development on British industry - and not at industrial or state level. Uses as a case study the ready to use photographic materials industry, notably its innovation of a colour process, to investigate the link between research and innovation success. Touches especially on the experience of Ilford Ltd. Also covers the experience of Kodak Ltd, Eastman Kodak. Has sections: 'Origins of the photographic industry'; 'Science and the early industry'; 'Scientific research and the photographic process'; 'The First World War and the photographic industry'; 'The photographic industry and the interwar period'; 'Research in the photographic industry, 1918-1939'; 'Research at Ilford and the associated companies'; 'Research as Eastman Kodak and Kodak Ltd'; The choice of a colour process'