Shoemenders. A study of goodwill in industry


  • Name Worker / employee ownership, co-partnership, profit sharing, etc
  • Name Worker / employee & industrial relations inc conflict, negotiation, demarcation, perogative, etc





A study of the labour relations of the firm, notably its co-partnership and profit sharing scheme, its incentives, and 'its methods of discipline'. Also touches on the firm's history. Chapters include: 'A business is founded'; 'Meditations in a prison cell'; 'Sharing profits and sharing losses'; 'Quantity and quality'; Management'; 'The workers view / discipline'; 'Carrying on in wartime'; 'Trade unionism and Payne's workers'; 'Wearers and menders'; 'Two-way traffic in goodwill'. NB. The flyleaf refers to a history of the firm being written in c1950 by a Professor Bowie of the 'Economics Dept', Dundee, but unfinished on his death, much material then being incorporated into this publication