Evolution of Modern Management. Volume 1, Concept and Gestation of Britain's Central Management Institute, 1902-1976


  • Name Education - management skills
  • Name Management practices





Forms part of a five volume work. Deals with the development of the British Institute of Management from 1949 and the pre 1949 development in Britain of interest in management as a discipline for teaching, study and promotion. Organised in three parts: 1] 'Prelude and gestation, 1902-49' - concept and background; industrial administration, 1915-25; interim influences, 1925-32; emergence of the 'management movement', 1931-39; wartime influences'; central institute formation, 1946-49; 2] 'Development and progress, 1950-76' - industrial administration and interim coalescence, 1946-51; central institute consolidation, 1951-57; progress - first phase, 1957-61; progress - second phase, 1961-69; progress - management education, 1960-69; progress - third phase, 1970-76; 3] 'Review and assessment' - the background phases, 1902-49; the active phases, 1946-76; rationale of 'professional' management