Power, Profits and Patriarchy. The social organization of work at a British metal trades firm, 1791-1922


  • Name Worker / employee management inc control
  • Name Worker / employee & industrial relations inc conflict, negotiation, demarcation, perogative, etc





Essentially of relevance to labour history, industrial sociology and gender studies, it concerns the nature, evolution, etc, of relationships between owners/managers and workers in the family owned firm of Kendricks, touching on areas such as paternalism, industrial relations, work organisation, etc. Chapters include: '"Masters and servants" - the foundations of patriarchy, 1791-1867'; 'With "liberty and kindness". The genesis of paternalism, 1868-1891'; '"Are you not paid to think" - the collapse of paternalism, 1892-1913'; '"A personal interest in the prosperity of their employees" - bureaucratic hegemony and the origins of social patriarchy'