The Hatchett Diary. A tour through the counties of England and Scotland in 1796, visiting their mines and manufactories





Published with an introduction by Arthur Raistrick. He left London in 1796 with letters of introduction to leading people in mining, visiting their sites of production and recording is observations in notebooks [in private ownership and custody at the time of publication]. In particular made observations on mines, smelting works, steam engine installations, etc. Visited, inter alia, Bovey Tracey coal pits, Devon; tin and copper mines on Dartmoor; Polgooth Mine; Carnon Stream Works; Worcester porcelain production; Soho Foundry of Boulton & Watt, Birmingham; pottery works of Josiah Wedgwood & Sons at Etruria; Speedwell and other lead mines in Derbyshire; Ecton Hill Mine; Sheffield collieries and steel works; Rotherham works; Carron Co's iron works; Leadhills mines, etc; Losh's chemical works; Sunderland Bridge; etc