Ferranti. A history. [Volume 2]. From family firm to multinational company, 1975-87


  • Name Corporate culture issues
  • Name Innovation, diffusion & invention, inc technology & products
  • Name Government intervention exc legislation & regulation
  • Name Worker / employee management inc control





Scholarly history of Ferranti largely from 1975 when it ceased to be under the owning and managing Ferranti family but returning to the pre 1975 era to offer new perspectives on it and to help explain post 1975 developments. Otherwise provides a detailed account of the business, 1975-87, its final years being covered in volume 3. Largely comprises a series of 'potted sketches' of production areas; human resource management; performance and strategy; government intervention, rescue, support. Also much on the business's distinctive corporate and innovatory culture. Has chapters: 'The Ferranti spirit'; 'Ferranti, the government and management change, 1975-82'; 'Recovery strategies in Chadderton. Ferranti Engineerring Ltd'; 'Diversification in Moston - the instrumentation division'; 'Chils and microwaves - Gem Mill'; 'The computer division'; 'Ferranti in Scotland'; 'Human resource management and development'; 'Creating wealth from technology - divisional performance and corporate strategies, 1975-87'; 'The Ferranti traditions - durability and continuity'. Appendices include analysis of financials, 1890-1993 - profitability, return, turnover, employment, etc