Business Community of Seventeenth Century England


  • Name Business & industrial history general studies
  • Name Consumption, consumerism & associated ethics
  • Name Faith & ethnicity
  • Name Taxation inc customs, excise, stamp duties, etc: imposition & impact
  • Name Professions, professionalism & professionalisation
  • Name Education - occupational skills & training





'Attempts to define the role of business in seventeenth century England by focusing on the contributions of specific individuals and by reconstructing the whole environment in which they functioned... Its primary objective has been to explore both the origins of wealth and the impact of variable economic performance on individuals and families, to establish what changed and what survived in England as compared with other pre-industrial societies'. Deals with the whole business community and not only the leaders - and the period covered is from the 1590s to the very early 18th century. Draws on business and institution records to explain the 'economic and technical' structures of business and how social values and other factors framed and motivated businessmen and determined their lifestyle. Structured in three parts: 1] 'Business as a career' - 'State of business' / 'Obstacles to entry' / 'Funding and risk' / 'Necessity and choice'; 2] 'Paths to fortune' - 'Pattern of recruitment' / 'Skills and motivation' / 'Politics and government' / Measures of success'; 3] 'Life styles' - 'Religion and ethics' / 'Family structure' / 'Consumption and leisure' / 'Asymbiotic culture'; Conclusion - 'Private enterprise in a preindustrial society'