Luxury and Pleasure in Eighteenth Century Britain


  • Name Consumption, consumerism & associated ethics
  • Name Advertising





A cultural history dealing with the invention, production, buying, retailing, advertising and middle class consumption of luxury / fashionable consumer goods in the eighteenth century, especially glass and ceramics, metalware including cutlery, etc. Structured in three parts, viz: 1] 'Luxury, quality, delight' - 'Delights of luxury' / 'Goods from the East' / 'Products of the nation'; 2] 'How it was made' - 'Glass and chinaware - the grammar of the polite table' / 'Metal things - useful devices and agreeable trinkets'; 3] 'A nation of shoppers' - 'Men and women of the middle classes - acquisitiveness and self respect' / 'Shopping is a place to go - fashion, shopping, advertising' / 'Mercantile theatres - British commodities and American consumers'