Dress, Culture and Commerce. The English clothing trade before the factory, 1660-1800


  • Name Government procurement
  • Name Production of goods & services - methods & organisation
  • Name Crime & misdemeanour inc fraud, theft & sharp practice
  • Name Consumption, consumerism & associated ethics
  • Name Worker / employee & work, women alone





Six standalone scholarly essays. Deals with wearing apparel production for the masses - labouring men and women, soldiers and sailors - and related activities such as government contracting, putting out, second hand trading, etc. Has sections: 'Introduction - Dress, culture and the English people'; 'Bobby Shafto's shirt and britches - contracted clothing and the transformation of the trade' ; 'Redressing the history of the clothing trade - ready made apparel, guilds and women outworkers, 1650-1800'; 'Margins and mainstream - Jews in the English clothing trade'; 'Disorderly women and the consumer market - women's work and the second hand clothing trade', 'The theft of clothes and popular consumerism'