Alfred Herbert Ltd and the British Machine Tool Industry, 1887-1983


  • Name Business/Industry failure, decline, lack of success, etc: decline of industries
  • Name Government intervention exc legislation & regulation
  • Name Business interest representation & co-operation
  • Name Business/Industry failure, decline, lack of success, etc: decline of businesses





Scholarly chronological history of the machine tool industry, much based on the experience of the world leading makers, Alfred Herbert, from the date of its foundation in 1887 to its closure in the early 1980s. Deals with competition, government, marketing, innovation, etc. Its chapters are: 'Technological and business development. British machine tools and the American challenge'; ''A war of machinery'. The British machine tool industry, 1914-18'; 'Meeting the challenge. Alfred Herbert and the British machine tool industry, 1918-34'; 'A call to arms. The British machine tool industry, 1935-40'; 'The Second World War and the British machine tool industry'; 'The changing 'game'. The British machine tool industry, 1945-60'; 'Responding to the 'game'. Modernisation and the British machine tool industry in the 1960s'; 'Business strategy and structure. Alfred Herbert, 1950-70'; 'The 'end game'. the British machine tool industry in the 1970s and the firm of Alfred Herbert'. Includes much about the role of the Machine Tool Trades' Association, National Enterprise Board; Ministry of Munitions. Also covers in passing manufacturers such as James Archdale & Co Ltd; Birmingham Small Arms Ltd including BSA Tools Ltd and BSA Churchill Ltd; Scottish Machine Tool Corp; Jones Shipman Ltd; Churchill Redman Ltd and Charles Churchill Ltd; etc