Law Book of the Crowley Ironworks


  • Name Business administration inc procedures, processes, premises, etc
  • Name Worker / employee welfare inc working conditions, compensation, etc
  • Name Management practices




A written constitution for the management of the Crowley business - 'It is a codification of the regulations issued by Sir Ambrose Crowley and his son, John, governing the administration of their extensive ironworks in the County of Durham early in the eighteenth century'. This volume largely comprises transcriptions of 50 of the 94 laws [two thirds in terms of the size of the total text] with the remaining laws being briefly summarised. The transcribed laws are grouped: 1] 'The laws and their enforcement'; 2] 'Organisation of the factory' - 'Administration' / 'Finance and accounting' / 'Duties of officers and clerks' / 'The handling and processing of iron' / 'The workmen'; 3] 'Welfare' - 'Welfare services' / 'Finance of poor relief'. Also has an introduction to the Crowley business and the Law Book [pp xi-xxvii]