Davis, Edmund


  • Extraction Asbestos extraction
  • Extraction Chrome extraction
  • Extraction Gold extraction
  • Extraction Precious stones extraction inc diamonds


(Sir) Edmund Davis, 1861-1939, arrived in southern Africa in 1879 and developed substantial mining and other interests there largely by means of company promotion. Became associated with British South Africa Co. Subsequently developed other speculative interests in Central Africa and the Far East. From 1889 his interests became centred in London where he was a partner in Jacob Picard & Co. From early 20th century focused on base metals - including most notably chrome but also copper, tungsten, tin, etc - which he developed by use of cartels for monopoly power. Notable vehicles were Rhodesia Chrome Mines Ltd and African Chrome Mines Ltd [Chrome Trust]. 1929 Turner & Newall acquired his asbestos interests.
