United Dominions Trust Ltd


  • Financial services Credit, hire purchase, leasing, etc, services


Hire purchase and finance company established in 1919 as the London subsidiary of Continental Guaranty Corp, New York. J Gibson Jarvie was important in its foundation and early management. Specialised in motor car finance, especially USA exports. Incorporated 1922 as Continental Guaranty Corp Ltd. 1923 sold to British investors. 1925 renamed United Dominion Trust Ltd. 1926 acquired by Commercial Investment Trust, New York, but bought back by UK investors, 1928-29. 1930 Bank of England acquired a substantial interest which was sold in late 1930s. 1934 established Credit for Industry Ltd to finance small businesses. c1950 acquired London Produce House Ltd. Damaged by the Secondary Banking Crisis of 1970s and in 1987 acquired by TSB Bank
